Passive House Certification

It is important to note from the outset that “Passive House” (and/or “Passivhaus” as it is in German) is not a legally protected concept, therefore anyone can claim that their building is a Passive House. However, the true proof of a building being a Passive House is certification by the PHI or an independently recognised representative of the PHI. Anything else is merely built “towards” Passive House Standard, using Passive House products, or simply taking advantage of the Passive House reputation for quality and comfort.

The intention to build a Passive House and seek certification must be established and agreed upon at the outset of a project. The process of planning and detailing a building to Passive House Standard demands consideration of the Passive House requirements at every stage of the design. Achieving a certified Passive House building after a project has been designed or after construction has begun can be extremely difficult, and in many cases, impossible. It is therefore imperative that the decision to “go passive” is clear from the beginning.

Certification has a number of benefits however the main benefit is the PHI’s stamp of approval and the peace of mind that your building will perform the way it has been calculated as the construction and detailing have been done to the extremely high standards of the Passive House Institute.

The provision of certified Passive House products is a further service offered by the PHI aimed at making Passive House certification more achievable. The PHI have compiled a list of Passive House approved products, such as MVHR units, windows and doors…etc that have been independently tested and proven to adhere to the Passive House criteria and sub-criteria. These products are made by, and available from, a large range of suppliers and manufacturers. They are manufactured in line with the PHI’s “four eyes principle” to ensure that the technical values are reliable for accurate calculations in the PHPP.

Contact Us

For more information please contact us on:

T: 0845 5199 372